Role of friends and family
Peer Pressure – Does it matter?
We all know that two and two make four, I took it as two can lose the double amount of weight. The process of weight loss can be enhanced by the right amount of support. On the other hand, the process could be a complete disaster if you face negative peer pressure. Well! I’m lucky to have some incredible friends and family who stood by my side through the process of shedding fat. I had days when my friends could ask me out for some fancy lunch full of carbs, but they supported me each time. I could feel worse about myself, but my family insisted. I tried all the possible ways to stay committed.
I’m writing to thank my friends and family and to let you all know how much they helped me during my hard days. Gosh! I still remember the symptoms of the keto diet. I still remind myself how I behaved sometimes because of keto flu the brain fog mood swings headaches all of which can be detrimental to your daily life. keto flu does not happen to everyone in the same way or happen at all. Keto flu is a terminology used when basically your body depletes its carbohydrate sources of glucose and forces your body to burn ketones for any street instead as sugar is a highly addictive substance your body has to go through a process of withdrawal detox.

I have got a family who was there each day to encourage me. Hard days are always more than easy ones in the whole process of weight loss. Yes! I had many hard days, but my family helped me pass each day. I still remember the first thew days when I started the keto diet. I had severe keto flu. For anyone new to the keto diet, it could be a harsh experience, and so did I. My family patiently welcomed the new version of me each day. That’s true! I wasn’t the same every day. My inner self was changing each day. It’s not only the changing health, but my mental stability, mood, and behavior had gone through a constant cycle of change.
My family members strictly asked me to not give up. After a few hard days, I made myself accountable in front of my family. I take pictures of every meal I have. I shared that picture with my family and guess what? They encouraged me. Just knowing the fact that someone was having firm faith in me was the biggest strength that prevented the thought of giving up and having good accountability. The Keto diet is the tough one, but the results are worth the effort. If you ever plan to go for a keto diet, ask your family to be patient. The initial days are going to be tough until your body gets used to it. But the final result will amaze you.
Friends are a blessing that you choose yourself. I feel proud of myself each day for choosing the right ones. I’ve friends who would never judge me for doing anything. Rather, they would always ask me to stay determined. I never felt missed out on during my journey. I never felt bad for myself for sacrificing my favorite foods.
My friends used to investigate the positive steps I was taking. Not just the good things; they listen to my hard feelings and never judge. My friends always made me feel happy about the little things I did. They always tried to make things easy for me. I considered dining out and having a massive amount of carbs with friends as therapy, but the keto diet won’t allow me to have my therapeutic days. My friends never made me feel guilty about being on the road toward a healthier weight. I never said that all my friends were supportive; some of them took my efforts for granted and asked to have a cheat day unknowing saboteurs.

They used to say, one drink won’t make you a Fat Buddha again. I never took their suggestions seriously, because having a cheat day with lots of carbs would mean “back to square one” for me. I had an affirmation for those days “I’m not gonna go back to zero”. That line helped me deceive those saboteurs, and somehow the little urge to have a cheat day in me too. This doesn’t mean that your friends are not friends you have to try your best not to enforce your diet onto other people and make evenings out work. go out for that meal with your friends you should always be able to see the menu of an establishment before going and if there is really nothing there for you then suggest that you go somewhere else or just leave me out of this one, I’m happy.
I’m convinced that if you’re true to your goals, you would take peer pressure as a challenge instead of an excuse. Always let your family and friends know about the efforts you’re putting into having something. I let my peers know about my weight loss goals and I feel blessed at how they have been there for me. My journey was not only an achievement for me, but it was also a combined effort. I always call my weight loss a RESULT OF TEAMWORK.
If you’re a friend or family member to anyone losing weight, make sure you help them achieve their goals. They are on a journey that itself is hard, so all you’ve got to do is make it easy for them. Simply have faith in them!

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